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Power Skills Mentor Program

Class of 2024-2025




New/Emerging professionals and young women who are entering the workforce and are looking to build their power skills. Professional women in our county who have the potential and desire to build their power skills will be given an opportunity to connect with and learn from powerful women leaders.

Being powerful is about building powerful thoughts, and making powerful choices that lead to powerful actions. Power is different for every person and how and individual uses their power can have a profound impact on their lives. This power skills mentor program provides female leaders with the tools to own their power. Participants will learn skills and techniques in communication, influence, branding, self-awareness, and presence to create powerful thoughts, actions and choices.

Focus: Transformational Leadership
The focus of this power skills mentor program is to provide participants with tools and techniques that they can use to realize their full potential in their professional careers. Power is more than leadership, more than a title, power is about creating a strong vision for the future and aligning personal thoughts, choices and actions to fulfill that vision. This power skills mentor program will teach participants how to build their own vision, communicate this vision, make choices that enable their vision and build habits to fulfill their vision.

Program Overview

  • Monthly one-on-one coaching with a mentor from within the ATHENA membership
  • Plus monthly leadership development group mentor/mentee meetings. Independent study
  • One ticket to the annual ATHENA Award Luncheon & Leadership Summit
  • Invitation to participate in additional ATHENA programs throughout the year

Participation & Scope
Professional women who have the potential for leadership and desire to advance St. Charles County’s effectiveness through business and industry are encouraged to apply.

Ideal candidates will have:

  • A minimum of 0-5 years experience in their field/transitioning to a new field/returning to the workforce
  • A professional position/desire to obtain a professional position within a company located in the greater St. Charles County region.
  • Willingness to commit time to actively participate and attend group meetings.
  • A one-time fee of $160.00*, due upon acceptance into the program to help defer the cost of materials

*Fee includes all books and a ticket to the Summit and Luncheon

APPLY NOW – Applications due August 21, 2024



To apply to be a mentee in the program, please submit your resume and cover letter outlining

  1. Why you are interested in participating in the program
  2. What you hope to learn from the program
  3. What area of personal growth you would like to focus on and why?
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.